Below are three photos I took for a school project. Open Shade / Direct Sunlight / Window Light
This photo, taken in open shadow, has a more cool or cold feel to it. Looking directly into the lens, she gives a more connected feeling to the viewer. Her facial expression creates a calming feel, but at the same time a off feel to it. The way she has her body positioned, the picture, has a colder feel to it. The position of her to the background works because, although she is placed directly on the ground and the camera is above, she looks comfortable, giving this picture a comforting feel. the lighting is low, based in shadow, but it helps with the cool, comforting feel, like she's being watched over or protected.

While in direct harsh sunlight, this photo I took, shows a more upbeat feeling thanks to the sun ray into the camera lens. Her facial expression helps as well at bringing the feeling up. Her body position relative to the frame helps the happy feeling to the picture because, as the camera was positioned low, she seems fairly empowered, powerful and motivated to do something. (Funny enough her shirt says motivation.) The lighting situation here, helps the picture because, being in direct sunlight brings the mood and tone of the image more upbeat.

Taken while using window light, this photo has an intense feel to it. Looking directly into the camera lens, she provides half the feeling to the picture. her body position relative to the camera, although very christmas card or family portrait like, helps bring the intense feel to the picture. The background and shirt combination help bring unity by using distracting patterns and colours. The primary and secondary colour combo of her shirt and the door behind, help bring out the unity of the picture even more. The position of her body in the frame feels like she's about to break out into a run, helping that intense / waiting to see what happens next feeling.
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