-In CyberARTS the other day, we were given the assignment to draw a realistic chess piece that had a background which were to have movement and repetition. we had to give the chess piece depth, by drawing a gradient scale to be able to get the darkest and lightest we could.
- The background I chose was a warped chess/checker board. The way my background shows movement is the squares that I put in a rotation like pattern. It gets your eyes to look around in circles, from left to right or right to left, following the way the squares are going. The other way my piece of art shows movement is the up and down from the spirals up and down as well.
-The way my piece of art shows repetition is by the squares from the chess board. it is a repeated pattern of dark, than light, than dark, then light etc. I chose this pattern because it looks like the board has somehow been molded around the chess piece. It repeats downward as well as sideways making your eyes move around the page.