The reason I chose to do my words in the shape of a turtle is because, turtles, they're my favorite animal. The theme I colours I chose are very green and it makes me feel calmer when I look at them.
Some of the words I chose to put in this were rabbits, dogs, MTG and England.
I chose the word rabbits because a few months ago my father went up with his two brothers to see their mom while she was in hospital. When they got back to my grandparents house they started to do some yard work. My one uncle chased off a mother rabbit out of its hole and saw these tiny animals, he thought they were baby mice. Attempting to drown them, he put them in a bucket. My other uncle wouldn't let him take a shovel to the poor things. In the pictures that I have seen, there were around 8-9 babies originally. Having the knowledge to do CPR (minus mouth to mouth) my father was able to save three of them to bring home with him.
I choose the word dogs because my family and I owned a dog before and his name was Buddy. He sadly had to be put down because of some sort of cancer. a few years later we got our second puppy. at the time she was only three months old, and had no name. We ended up naming her Melody.
I chose the word MTG because I love playing the strategy trading card game called Magic The Gathering (MTG). My cousin, had been playing it while I was visiting one time. From then on I was hooked. Now I believe my collection of the card is larger than his.
I chose the word England, because for two summers in a row my family and I were fortunate enough to fly over to England. For the first year we only stayed for nine days. The second year we stayed for about two weeks.